It was a sunny summer day. I went to the kitchen to go get something and I saw Ike eating my chicken pie! I had enough, he was being bad all the time, so I sent him to obedience school. During his time in obedience school he sent me letters telling me how bad it was, of course, I knew he was just lying to make me come and get him. One day he sent me a letter saying he was going to escape, after seeing the other letters I thought he was bluffing that time too. Soon after that I saw on the news that he really did escape! I was so worried about him, I was just hoping that he was okay. I have a bad habit of not looking both ways when crossing the street, and one day I was crossing over the street and forgot to look both ways. I looked to my left and a truck was coming straight for me! I was shocked but then suddenly Ike yanked on my coat and pulled me out of the way, he saved me! He ripped my coat a bit but I was just happy that I was alive. I threw a party for him and gave him some of his favorite pie, chicken pie. I just hope that he learned his lesson so I wont have to send him back to obedience school.